
Our secondary education program is committed to provide children with an inspiring academic experience which is student centered. In grades 6 to 10 students are taught in broad ability bands. Numerous strategies are adopted to ensure that the students are actively engaged in learning and their progress is carefully monitored through regular assessments. Scholastic evaluation is made on the basis of Periodic Assessments (four per year), performance in class activities and Subject Enrichment activities.

Our lesson plans are prepared after rigorous sessions of brain storming by the teachers keeping in mind the vision/mission of the school. The aim is to actively involve the students in a dynamic process of thinking, discovering and understanding for themselves. Ample stress is laid on making the lesson plans focused, varied and engaging. Emphasis is on interactive and cooperative learning and on devising lessons that draw on different knowledge, aptitudes and learning styles of individual students. There is a strong reading program to stimulate the habit of reading and love for literature among the students. Writing sessions are held where pupils can pen down their creativity. Also our students actively participate in the XYZ session which is specially designed for generating curiosity in their minds and to provoke them to open up and think beyond textbooks. We involve the students in various group activities categorized as A, B, C which includes music, art, theatre, robotics, cooking , gardening , calligraphy , paper recycling and sports activities including taekwondo, skating , golf, lawn tennis and chess.

Session: 2024-25


Grade 7 students have done an art integrated activity of Social Science in which. they have made "manuscripts" to show the literary resources of Medieval History.
They have done this art activity with great enthusiasm.

"Science walks forward on two feet, namely theory and experiment " -Robert Andrews Millikan

Welcoming new session, with enthusiasm and zeal for learning, Grade 8 students visited Science laboratory and observed microorganisms under the microscope.
With this, students learnt that microscopes are the tools that allow us to look more closely at objects, seeing beyond what is visible with the naked eye. Without them, we would have no idea about the existence of cells.

Our world is built on biology and once we begin to understand it, it then becomes a technology.
Students of grade 9 saw cells of onion under a microscope & learnt practical application of scientific theory.
This experiment is for beginners to learn how to make a slide of a specimen, an onion peel, and view it under a microscope.

Session: 2023-24

Cyber Crime Awareness Session

Today, ATS Valley School hosted a cybercrime awareness session led by Mr. Tarun Malhotra , the founder and managing director of Cyber Cops Pvt.Ltd. The session aimed to enlighten students about the various facets of cybercrime and how to safeguard against its serious and immediate danger.
The session covered topics such as understanding cybercrime, preventing hacking, recognizing different types of hackers, tackling cyber threats, and stressing the importance of antivirus software.
Students were advised to be cautious online, not trusting everything they see, and to prioritize their online safety.
The session proved to be an invaluable educational experience, equipping the students of ATS Valley School with essential knowledge and proactive measures to navigate the digital landscape safely and responsibly.

'Tug of war'

Dated: 09th October, 2023

"Science games for students are activities and experiments that teach children about scientific concepts and principles in a fun and interactive way. These games can make learning enjoyable because they allow students to actively participate in the learning process, rather than just listening to a lecture or reading about a topic. In Class 8, students learned about the chapter on force, during which they played a game called 'Tug of war.' Through this game, they learned about how much muscular force can be applied to pull a rope.

Medicine Ball Overhead Throwing

Dated: 03rd October, 2023

"Science games for students are activities and experiments that teach children about scientific concepts and principles in a fun and interactive way. These games can make learning enjoyable because they allow students to actively participate in the learning process, rather than just listening to a lecture or reading about a topic. In Class 8, students learned about the chapter on force, during which they played a game called 'Medicine Ball Overhead Throwing.' Through this game, they learned about how much muscular force can be applied to throw a heavy ball a certain distance."

Hindi Class 10 "Topic: Muhavre"

Dated: 23rdMay, 2023

The students of grade 10 A and B have studied idioms in an interesting way which helped them to understand the topic in a better manner.

They Interacted with each other only through idioms so that they could learn and understand idioms properly. They converse with each other through idioms .They enjoyed their activity and it made the classroom environment delightful.

Class VIII B
Subject Hindi
Subtopic Language and Grammar

Dated: 23rd May, 2023

Although everyone is afraid of grammar, but the children of class 8th Filled their lives in this subject with the help of their teacher.
This difficult subject was taught through the medium of story.

In which to read, teach and to understand and explain, both became easy.


Dated: 08th February, 2023

A workshop was conducted for grade 6-8 students on 4.2.23 at ATS Valley School. Guest Speaker Mr. Mandeep Singh Choudhary who is a certified mediator conducted the workshop on Empathy-Building & Interpersonal Communication. The workshop fundamentally focused on two aspects: why we fight, the psychological reasons behind conflicts especially in terms of a school-setting and how can we prevent conflicts. The program provided an in-depth understanding of some psychological behaviour which give rise to conflicts and how to handle the situation. All the students enjoyed the session and learnt different techniques to control anger and avoid conflicts.

"Measurement and its motion"

Dated: 23rd January, 2023

The students of grade 6 performed a science activity on chapter - measurement and its motion in science laboratory. They learnt how to measure the length of a curved line using a thread and a divider. They performed the activity with enthusiasm and enjoyed performing it.

Wastewater Management

Dated: 18th December, 2022

The goal of wastewater management is to clean and protect water. This means that water must be clean enough so that it can be used by people for agriculture and industrial purposes. It also must be clean enough to release into oceans, lakes, and rivers after it has been used. Students of grade-7 did an art integration project on the topic and updated their class boards by displaying the steps of sewage treatment plant, vermicomposting toilet and a biogas plant.

Topic - Advertising
"Make an advertisement for a product and act on it"

Dated: 06th December, 2022

The students of Grade 7 have did the art and speaking activity- " Make an advertisement for a product and act on it". They made a beautiful chart with the features of their products and they prepared an act to promote their products. They have prepared act on Glue, pencil, Rubi cube, colours, health drink and many more they have given there own brand names and names to the product. By this they learnt about different techniques of advertising.
They enjoyed a lot with great experience.

Rainfall impacts:

Dated: 06th November, 2022

We all know that India is a monsoon dependent country. Therefore, rainfall has a huge impact on our agricultural output and even on our economy. But, this isn’t the dark ages. In other words, we now have modern systems that support our farmers and the agricultural sector. For instance, one such practice where we have made advancements is in irrigation. To understand the modern methods used in Irrigation system, students of grade 9 were shown videos related to the topic for their better understanding.

Structure of a flower

Dated: 05th November, 2022

Students of Grade 6 had a very informative session wherein they visited the school garden and studied the typical structure of a flower. They visited the school kitchen garden as well where students saw the types of roots, leaf venations, and modifications of stem, leaves and roots. This was a good experience for them to know about the plants.

"Kalamkari Painting"

Dated: 04th November, 2022

The students of grade 7 made famous "Kalamkari Painting" which was originated during Medieval period in Masulipatnam and even today this style of painting is very famous.
They had a lot of fun and learning about Indian history while making the painting.

Art integrated Activity
"Manuscript Making"

Dated: 09th August, 2022

The students of Grade 7 made famous Manuscript which were main literary sources of Mediaeval period. They had a great learning experience about Indian History while making these manuscripts.
They enjoyed a lot.

"Science walks forward on two feet, namely theory and experiment. " -Robert Andrews Millikan

Dated: 08th August, 2022

Giving students an opportunity to learn through real life experience, students of grade 6 performed sedimentation, decantation and filtration of muddy water collected from the school ground.
It was a very fruitful learning session.

Our world is built on biology and once we begin to understand it, it then becomes a technology.

Dated: 08th August, 2022

Students of grade 9 saw cells of onion under a microscope & learnt practical application of scientific theory.

Students of grade 10 saw cells of leaf under a microscope & learnt practical application or scientific theory.

"Science walks forward on two feet, namely theory and experiment. " -Robert Andrews Millikan

Dated: 28th July, 2022

Giving students an opportunity to learn through real life experience, students of grade 7 understood how to properly read and measure a laboratory thermometer & clinical thermometer. They checked the degree of hottness & coldness of liquids. They also checked which all substances are good conductors of heat and which are bad conductors when kept in water.

It was a very fruitful interactive session.

"Science walks forward on two feet, namely theory and experiment. " -Robert Andrews Millikan

Dated: 17th July, 2022

Giving students an opportunity to learn through simulation experience and education strengthens their confidence, knowledge, and allows small room for error.

Students of grade 10 understood how to properly read and measure a blood pressure by the use of manual equipment called Sphygmomanometer. Later they practiced taking blood pressure of their classmates.

It was a very fruitful interactive session.

Science laboratory

Dated: 14th April, 2022

Welcoming new session, with enthusiasm and zeal for learning, Grade 7 students visited Science laboratory and performed two experiments i.e. To study the starch test on a leaf and The affect of light on rate of photosynthesis. Students thoroughly enjoyed the session.