ATS Valley’s curriculum for primary years’ program aims at developing confidence and an understanding of children’s own strengths. Our curriculum is firmly grounded in our commitment to developing the full range of every student’s inherent aptitudes like moral, spiritual, linguistic, logical, personal, social, cultural and physical. We nurture the students in such an environment where they develop their own creative knowledge. We also help them in developing skills and competencies such as educational, technological, problem-solving to lead successful lives in today’s highly globalized world.
The primary year’s program is deliberately designed to help children develop independence and respect as they learn so that they are prepared to embrace the opportunities that are present. And as the child grows and moves through higher levels of education, it is these learning skills that will be critical to their success. At a very young age, our children are immersed in thrilling adventures, where, with every rush of adrenaline, their confidence grows. There are various strategies we use to shape our children into confident young adults. It starts with an assembly roster. Every child from Grade 1 onwards has to, by design, speak in the assembly- a poem, a story, a Doha or anything relevant to the occasion. Research says that the most common fear in the world is that of public speaking. It is our commitment to help every student overcome that fear and the results of our efforts are all too evident.
We also have a Theatre programme. Children from the Theatre group perform in front of the school on a regular basis and of course on the Annual Day. Children from Grade 1 onwards prepare small plays, which are then presented during lunch breaks.
We have adopted a child-centric approach and our curriculum is based on the theory of Multiple Intelligences. Therefore we promote different areas of learning to keep in mind the fact that every child learns in a different way and at his/her own pace. In order to achieve this aim, we have introduced the “EDUCATION LAB” or “THE LEAPFROG PROGRAMME” for our students in Grades 1,2 and 3.
At the end of each month, a monthly academic update (MAU) which lists the learning outcomes that a child has acquired by the end of a particular month is handed over to the parents in writing. The knowledge, understanding, and skills attained by a student on each topic are evaluated in an ongoing and regular process. The assessment of student’s learning is made through regular teacher-student interaction and on the basis of activities that take place both in and out of the classroom.
Class Activities
Session: 2024-25
Student-Led Presentation ‘Helping hands of Our Society’
A community needs many people to help it to function well and make the world a better place to live. Educating students about the community helpers and the kind of roles they play in our daily lives, is highly important. With an aim of stimulating the students’ imagination and enhancing their social development skills, ATS Valley School, DeraBassi organized a Student-Led Presentation ‘Helping hands of Our Society’ for Grade 1 and 2. A splendid show was put up, where various stations for Doctor, Gardener, Electrician, Dressmaker, Hair dresser , Chef, etc. were placed to demonstrate the role of each community helpers. Students were dressed as a doctor, nurse, policeman, teacher, chef etc. to present the respective community helpers and display their contribution in our society. This interactive event that involved parents as well, immensely helped the students to build confidence and public speaking skills at a young age.
"Shapes activity with Sticks"
Maths Week Activity Done by class 1. Tittle :- "Shapes activity with Sticks". This hands-on activity engages students in a fun and interactive way to explore geometry. By manipulating sticks, they gain a better understanding of shape properties and transformations, enhancing their spatial reasoning and problem-solving skills.
Roles of shopkeepers and customers
As part of the exciting Maths Week celebrations, the students of grades IV and V participated in a creative and engaging activity that brought math concepts to life. The students set up a bustling marketplace, where they played the roles of shopkeepers and customers.
The shopkeepers were responsible for running their stalls, showcasing various products, and setting prices for their goods. The customers, on the other hand, received fake currency notes to use for purchasing items. Through this role-play, students not only had fun but also learned practical math skills such as addition, subtraction, and the concept of spending money wisely.
This hands-on activity taught students important lessons about money management, as they carefully decided how to spend their fake currency and budget for purchases. It also enhanced their understanding of prices, value, and transactions, offering a real-world application of math in a fun and interactive way.
The marketplace simulation was a valuable learning experience, helping students develop both their math skills and their financial literacy in an enjoyable and memorable manner.
“PICNIC” is a refreshing getaway from the monotony of routine, offering freedom and excitement in the outdoors.
The students of Grade I and II were overjoyed as they enjoyed a picnic in the school playground. It was delightful to see them playing merrily after savoring the delicious treats prepared by their parents. While some students raced each other, others played antakshari, and some had fun with hula hoops. Special games like Musical Chairs and Pick the Cup were organized, along with a Nature Art activity where students created beautiful artwork using dried leaves under the open sky.
Picnics are indeed a wonderful source of recreation for both mind and body. They instill values of sharing, teamwork, social interaction, and discipline among students. After a joyous day in the lap of nature, the students returned feeling refreshed and happy.
Science activity- Snowman
Grade 2 students did an exciting Science activity of making an awesome snowman with fake snow using ingredients like baking soda and lotion. Children were really engrossed in the activity as they also attempted to build some snow statues and sculptures.
Water Reflection Activity
Our curious Grade 1 students participated in an engaging water reflection activity. With wonder-filled eyes, they observed how an image appears invisible when submerged in water, only to reappear when viewed from outside the water. This interactive experiment sparked their curiosity and introduced them to the fascinating world of light and reflection.
Fun with bottle caps
Grade 2 enjoyed the 'fun activity' with different coloured bottle caps. They also relished 'the best out of the waste' in a playway method of learning.
Toy from Trash
By creating toys from recyclable materials, students explored the concept of sound. They likely learned how different materials can produce different sounds and how sound can be amplified or muted depending on the structure of the toy.
Science Ladders Game
This fun game likely incorporated various scientific concepts and challenges, reinforcing their learning through play and interaction.
Addition and Subtraction
Understanding addition and subtraction helps us to solve problems and count things accurately.
The students of Gr -1 practiced adding and subtracting numbers with an innovative and interesting activity. Children enjoyed Addition and Subtraction activity a lot.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
"Going green and making a scene! Our talented students took center stage to spread awareness about the 3Rs - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! They shared inspiring thoughts and sang a catchy song to remind us all to do our part in protecting the planet. Let's keep up the good work and make a difference together!
Germs germs go away, you are not so cute stay away
The Children of gr-1 did the Black pepper and soap activity. In this experiment they observed how germs spread and how they affect us. Children have also learnt why hand wash is important before and after every meal. They themselves put their fingers in black pepper bowl and washed their hands too.
They enjoyed and learnt a lot with this experiment.
"Northern Mountains and Northern plains"
"Compare and Contrast Activity"
Maps and globes are both models of the Earth that help us to understand what our Earth looks like.
There was a "Compare and Contrast Activity" on maps and globes in grade 4 where children talked about how maps and globes are beneficial in different ways.
Best out of Waste
Children spoke on the how to protect and love the Mother Earth on Earth Day. They depicted this thought through making aids out of waste material.
"The most important thing in the world is family"
The children of Grade-1 spoke about their family and shared parent’s name and professional status. They were confident and enjoyed this speaking activity.
"My favourite dance form"
Concept of is/am/are
"Social reformers, religious teachers and science of India"
First Aid
'One More than-One Less than'
Compound Nouns
Session: 2023-24
"Means of communication"
Dated: 23rd January, 2023
The students of grade 4 performed SST activity on means of communication. They showed communication through telephonic conversation. In this activity they showed how to speak to a friend on call in different scenarios like planning for picnic, invitation for birthday, asking for homework and classwork etc. They enjoyed the activity and participated with enthusiasm.
Rotation and Revolution of earth-
Dated: 21st January, 2023
"Rotation" refers to an object's spinning motion about its own axis.
"Revolution" refers the object's orbital motion around another object.
For example, Earth rotates on its own axis, producing the 24-hour day.
Earth revolves about the Sun, producing the 365-day year.
An Activity showing and explaining this concept was done in Grade 3
*Sedimentation, Decantation*
Dated: 13th October, 2023
Students of grade 4 learned the topic *Sedimentation, Decantation* very well through practical approach.*Sedimentation*
'This method can be used to separate a mixture of sand and water. First, the mixture is left undisturbed so that the sand can settle down.'
The water is then slowly removed by pouring it into another container without shaking the sediment.It's a wonderful effort on the part of children to put the topic into real life.
Internal and External organs
"Card Game"
'Spring- Art & Craft'
"Emergency numbers in India"
"Safety rule day"
Dated: 15th October, 2023
They learnt the various safety rules to be followed at school, home , roads and playgrounds and the importance of first Aid.
Hindi Activity: "बारहखड़ी की घड़ी"
Dated: 20th September, 2023
इस गतिविधि में बच्चों ने पूरे उत्साह के साथ भाग लिया और शब्दों तथा मात्राओं का प्रयोग सीखा। बच्चों को बोलकर शब्द बताए गए और उन्होंने उन शब्दों को घड़ी की सहायता से बनाया। इस गतिविधि से बच्चों का मनोरंजन तो हुआ ही साथ ही उन्होंने मात्राओं का उपयोग भी सीखा।
"A Visit to Maths Lab"
Dated: 13th May, 2023
Grade 1 students visited the Math Lab. It was their first visit and hence, they were fully excited. They learnt to count with the help of abacus. Also, made buildings and towers with blocks which was fun to do.